Hello Ladies and Gents! Well, it has been about a year since I first became interested in Instagram and blogging. Before I began my influencer journey, I did not even own an actual Instagram at the time. So, I was pretty much starting completely fresh! 0 followers, 0 pics, 0 engagement. Anyways, I’ve recently reached my first 10k followers on Instagram and I was receiving some questions on how I did it. So here are my top 10 tips to reach 10k followers! They are not ordered in importance because to me these steps are all equally crucial!
1. Don’t buy followers, likes, or use a bot!- I’ve made a point to never do these wrong things, and I am so glad I did. As a regular Instagram user, I don’t know if I could easily identify users who buy engagement; but, to anyone in marketing, pr management, and the blogging community, it is blatantly obvious. It may seem exciting at first! These sites and apps might even use words like authentic and consistent; but trust me, it never is. I know bloggers personally who have done this and it bites them in the butt every time. Your likes and engagement per post will be inconsistent and I mean REALLY inconsistent! Myself with a 10k following is getting better collaborations than someone with 70k followers because my audience is more authentic than their audience and my engagement % is higher as well, and trust me, BRANDS pay close attention to this. It’s super sad because I can see why someone would want to do this quick fix of buying engagement, but it truly hurts you in the end.
2. Consistency is key- work up to the point where you are posting everyday! No excuses! I am lucky that I have a “insta to be husband” and I work on my own schedule from home. But don’t get it twisted, I have blogger girlfriends with full time 9-5 jobs and no boyfriend to take their pic everyday. They have to be prepared and have their content planned out at least a week in advance. If you are just beginning, try and post every other day for the first month and once you get into a routine start posting once a day. My goal is to begin posting sometimes twice a day this year! Yikes! (But so exciting)